Synthesized effect of Land Surface Modification and Net Radiation on the Urban Climate: A study of Lagos metropolis (Nigeria) between 1984 and 2013

Land surface temperature (LST), Urban area, Urban heat island (UHI), Lagos metropolisAbstract
Land use change are human modifications induced by urbanization which promotes variations in the energy and radiation balance, which in-turn has made the tem-perature of urban areas higher compared to the surrounding rural areas in-turn this has produced urban heat island (UHI).This urban phenomenon is becoming more dis-tinct and unique in urban areas in Lagos metropolis. Geographical Information System (GIS) and statistical techniques were adopted to synthesize the effect of land surface modifications and net radiation on the urban climate of Lagos metropolis between 1984 and 2013. The following factors such as the urban area, Land Surface Tempera-ture (LST), Net Radiation, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was de-rived from Landsat imagery. In Lagos metropolis, increase in the urban-rural landscape difference has led to a decreased in the urban vegetation which has increased net radi-ation and LST between 1984 and 2013. The effect of the above factors was analyzed to product an urban climate determinant driven by: (1.) the effect of the urban area and (2.) land surface temperature of Lagos metropolis. Based on the above, GIS techniques was employed to map UHI areas for Lagos metropolis by delineating the urban built-up area from the rural built-up area with reference to its LST mean. Furthermore, UHI areas are on the increase as well as its spatial extent. This triggered UHI effect in cities of Lagos metropolis between 1984 and 2013. Based on research findings, possible mitigation measures as means of controlling the menace of UHI were highlighted for Lagos metropolis.
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