Spam Detection Using Natural Language Processing


  • Aditya Srivastava Amity School of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Dr. P. Singh Amity School of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India



Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Naive Bayes Classifier, Spam Detection


In the digital age, where digital communication is omnipresent, the issue of spam remains pervasive, undermining the quality of user experiences, compromising cybersecurity, and posing significant challenges. This research paper is a comprehensive exploration of "Spam Detection Using Natural Language Processing". We traverse a multifaceted journey through the realms of spam detection, dissecting its crucial components and implications. Our investigation commences with data collection and preprocessing, discussing the intricacies of gathering diverse datasets and transforming them into analysable forms. Feature engineering takes center stage as we unveil the pivotal role of engineered features in distinguishing spam from legitimate content. Model building and evaluation form the core of spam detection, and we scrutinize various algorithms, techniques, and metrics that drive the development of effective spam detection systems. Challenges loom large in spam detection, from imbalanced datasets and evasion tactics to the perpetual struggle for false positive-false negative equilibrium. Privacy concerns and the legal landscape add further layers of complexity. Real-world applications span the gamut, encompassing social media moderation, review systems, chat applications, and more. We unearth how spam detection safeguards user interactions, maintains quality, and secures digital ecosystems across these diverse platforms. Finally, we gaze into the horizon of spam detection's future, envisioning trends such as deep learning dominance, multimodal detection, adversarial defense, and blockchain authentication. This research paper is a compendium of insights, strategies, and prospects, providing a holistic view of spam detection in the dynamic digital age.


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How to Cite

A. Srivastava and Dr. P. Singh, “Spam Detection Using Natural Language Processing”, J. Appl. Sci. Educ., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1–7, Jul. 2024.