Determination of Total Chlorophyll, Carbohydrate and Hydrolyzing Enzymes Contents in Mitragyna Parvifolia Leaves

Histochemistry, metabolites, gallsAbstract
Histochemical studies have shown that gall-inducing agents can alter the cell and tissue metabolism on the host plant part. Morphological changes in the host tissues are ulti-mately linked with physiological changes. Histochemistry enables the localization of various metabolites present in the tissue. To understand the morphological changes in terms of physiology certain histochemical studies have been carried out. An attempt has been made to interpret the biochemical data in terms of cells, tissues and tissue systems. Fresh hand-cut sections were used to study the changes brought about in the distribu-tion of various metabolites and enzymes of the normal and gall tissues. The metabolites studied during the present investigation were chlorophyll, totally insoluble polysaccha-rides and enzymes.
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