Comparative Study of Systematization Procedures Applied to K-level Electron Binding Energies in X-ray Spectra


  • Garima Misra Shri Ramswaroop memorial college of Engineering and Management, Lucknow, U.P., India
  • Desh Deepak Tewari Department of Applied Sciences, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, U.P., India
  • Kirti Sinha Physics Department, Lucknow University, Lucknow, U.P., India



Mosley Plot, Parabolic Shape, Iterative Procedure, Systematization, Energy Levels


X-ray and photoelectron spectroscopic studies have led to the measurement of accurate K level binding energy values in atoms. Since these experiments are conducted at various laboratories all over the globe using different instruments, there is every possibility that the results deviate from reality more than the probable errors. Consequently when these energy values are used for some other applications, their results obtained will be different from what is being expected. Therefore these energy values need to be systematized and corrected for errors if any. Various systematization procedures available in X-rays spectroscopy are (i) Mosley Law (ii) Modified Mosley Plot (iii) Hagstrom doubly modified Mosley plot (iv) Iterative self-consistent doubly modified Mosley plot. A detailed comparative study of all these systematization procedures is performed as applied to the K level binding energies with a view to ascertain their applicability for the purpose.


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How to Cite

Garima Misra, Desh Deepak Tewari, and Kirti Sinha, “Comparative Study of Systematization Procedures Applied to K-level Electron Binding Energies in X-ray Spectra”, J. Appl. Sci. Educ., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1–5, Jul. 2024.